Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reactive dyes

Hi im back .... with the reactive dye .

When there is a matter of dyeing we should first choose a term reactive dye . a very important name related to dyeing

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Process sequence of Azoic dyeing

Textile material Preparation
Fabric is treated with napthol 

Preparation of Base solution
Napthol Treated fabric is again Treated with base 
Coupling reaction occurred
Color devoloped

Yarn Spinning ( Carded)

                              Input Material ———Processing Machines ——–Output Materials

                                            Raw Cotton >>>>> Blow Room>>>>>>Lap

                                     Lap>>>>>>>>>>>Carding>>>>>>>>>Carded Sliver

                                   Carded Sliver>>>>Drawing 1>>>>>>>>Drawn Sliver

                            Breaker Sliver>>>Drawing 2>>>>>>>>Finisher Drawn Sliver

                             Finisher Drawn Sliver>>Simplex/ Speed Frame>>>>Roving

                                       Roving>>>>>>>>Ring Frame>>>>>>>Yarn

                         Yarn>>>>>>>>>Winding>>>>>>>>>Yarn In Large Package
Copied from another blog

Flow chart of Dyeing

Grey Fabric Inspection
Sewing or Stitching
Final Inspection

Yarn Spinning Process (Combed)

Process sequence
Bale of cotton
Blow room
Carded sliver
Carded sliver
Pre combed drawing
Drawn sliver
Drawn sliver
Lap former
Combed sliver
Combed sliver
Pre comb drawing
Drawn sliver
Drawn sliver
Ring spinning
Yarn ( spinning bobbin )
Yarn ( spinning bobbin )
Winding (autoconer)










Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spinning Geometry

Hey .............
Now im going to write about it .....

From Roving bobbin to cop, the fibre strand passes through drafting arrangement, thread guide, balloon control rings and traveller. These parts are arranged at various angles and distances relative to each other. The distances and angles together are referred to as the spinning geometry,has a significant influence on the spinning opeartion and the resulting yarn. They are .......

Ring Frame 03


  The following factors should be considered  o materials of the ring traveller 
o Surface charecteristics 
o The forms of both elements 
o Wear resistance 
o Smoothness of running 
o Running-in conditions 
o Fibre lubrication

For the rings two dimensions are of primariy importance.
1.internal diameter
2. flange width.

Ring Frame 02

Hi viewers , Be ready , because now I'm going to give a large post based on Ring Frame , seriously large ....
Actually , now my topic is not Ring Frame , but more important than Ring Frame ....
Its about drafting .....
Lets start.....

Drafting arrangement is the most important part of the Ring Frame. It keeps a Great importance on the evenness and strength of the yarn by influencing some special properties --

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ring Frame 01

RING FRAME .............. Whoa whoa .......
What an important thing , what an wonderful thing , huh ???
How much did you pay for that shirt ??? Oh hoo ...... only 800/- .....
Then it will be not valid if don't know that how can you buy a pretty shirt for 800/- only . What's the mystery behind this  ???
Now a days , Fabrics were cheaper several years ago . One of the most important cause of it is the  invention of RING FRAME .
Many years ago ,

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weaving Basics 04

Sateen Weave

A Sateen Weave is a 4 x 1(four by one) sateen. The sateen weave has longer floats and the interlaces are put in a pattern such that they do not touch and thus do not form twill lines.

If you have a set of numbers that you want to put in an order such that no two numbers will be consecutive, even in an on-going repeat of the numbers, the number five is the smallest number this can be accomplished with.

Weaving Basics 03

Twill weave:
Interlace – the place where one yarn intersects another yarn by crossing over it or by going under it (depending on which way you look at the fabric).

Float – The section of a weft yarn that goes over more than one warp yarn (or the section of a warp yarn that goes over more than weft yarn).

Weaving Basics 02

Plain Weave
The plain weave is the simplest of all weaves. It is a “one by one” or a “one over one” weave (1 x 1). Each weft yarn in a plain weave goes over one warp yarn and then under the next warp yarn, alternating every other yarn as it passes through the loom.
On the next cycle of the loom, the next weft yarn starts under the first warp yarn and then goes over the next warp yarn.

Weaving Basics 01

From now I'll share the weaving basics in this article . I have copied this one from a famous book .
I will try to give it elaborately ......

Warp Beam – The warp beam is located at the back of the loom and is like a giant spool of thread that is threaded through the loom as the warp yarns. Its shown in the figure bellow -

Harnesses – the warp yarns are first threaded through vertical wires called heddles that are held in a frame called a harness. The harness frames go up and down with the cycles of the loom raising and lowering the warp yarns in a specific order.

Woven Fabric ( Mystery )

 Hi ......
Present again to give an important information . This is about "Woven fabric" .
Lets start ............
The basics of woven fabric consist of two sets of yarns that are perpendicular to each other. The first set of yarns runs lengthwise through the loom and are set in place prior to weaving. These yarns are called the WARP yarns.

Textile Dyeing

Hello viewers …….

Now I’m here to describe about textile dyeing. What a silly topic, huh ……..???

Yeah I thought so , but through this you can remind this thing again . And guys for us, this is the best way to keep it in mind. May I start, if you don’t mind ………

Don’t be scared, I’ll not discuss about the history of any dyes, because history is too bad. (Just for me)

Sunday, May 5, 2013


It’s my first writing, hence i'll describe about the meaning and significance of textiles . Though its (Textile) familiar to all of you but I just want to remind this one.

Textile is a term that is originated from a Latin word “ Textilis ” which was only referred to the woven fabric, but gradually the modification and edition of that term “Textilis” made a term named textile . It hasn’t finished yet , the meaning of the term also changed , it’s not only  a woven material now , but also this one , “Artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers” or “Relating to fabrics or fabric making

Hi.... im Omar Faruk. Through this blog i would like to share anything related textiles ...........