Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reactive dyes

Hi im back .... with the reactive dye .

When there is a matter of dyeing we should first choose a term reactive dye . a very important name related to dyeing . For a long time the chemists have been attempting to discover a dye which can make covalent bond with cellulosic fibre .

They pay attention to the triazinyl dyes . this has a prominent feature that is that is one or two of the chlorine atoms left unsubstituted  they will react with the hydroxyl group of cellulose .

Lets have a brighten definition of reactive dye , " A dye which comprise of  reactive groups " .
It is a widely used dye for dyeing cotton type fabric. In reality the reactive dye creats a covalent bond with the cellulose .

That's it .......

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