Sunday, May 5, 2013


It’s my first writing, hence i'll describe about the meaning and significance of textiles . Though its (Textile) familiar to all of you but I just want to remind this one.

Textile is a term that is originated from a Latin word “ Textilis ” which was only referred to the woven fabric, but gradually the modification and edition of that term “Textilis” made a term named textile . It hasn’t finished yet , the meaning of the term also changed , it’s not only  a woven material now , but also this one , “Artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers” or “Relating to fabrics or fabric making .

According to the great source of knowledge WEKIPEDIA, “A textile or cloth is a flexible woven material consisting of a network of natural or artificial fibers often referred to as thread or yarn. Yarn is produced by spinning raw fibers of wool, flax, cotton, or other material to produce long strands. Textiles are formed by weaving, knitting, crocheting, knotting, or pressing fibers together (felt).


In this definition Wikipedia shows textile and cloths in a same stage , but we may categories theses by giving another definition of cloth in sight of textile , cloth means any material that consists of weaving , knitting, or any other way while textile can be defined as the whole family .

If we look behind to the history of textile we have to  pay attention to the BCE 34,000, its so boring Georgia, Egypt, Chaina , India ………… blab la blab …….

But the most important thing is the development of this thing increasing rapidly . we have learnt from our religion (Islam) , that, no one or nothing will go with you at grave , but it’s a matter to think that someone will go with us , and that is textile named as “KAFON”. Moreover the development occurs due to thinking our comfort. Just imagine about the fire service team, astronauts team , navy , chemists , armed forces and many other whose performs their job to our safety wearing special textiles to get protected from different circumstance . Now doctors use a special type of yarn to sew the injured place that is biodegradable , or can be vanished after certain time  . What’s this ??? Its development.

Its victory!!!

Its our victory !!! YAHOO !!!

How lucky we are , we are going to be a textile engineer !!!

Its very difficult to discuss this term in one article, it needs research and practice. Inshallah these will describe gradually ……………

Till then stay with us …………

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Hi.... im Omar Faruk. Through this blog i would like to share anything related textiles ...........